Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch. . .

Playing with the pumpkin sling shot! Funny thing is...right after I took this picture Chris stood up and the two little ones went flying on their bums!!

Moosee's is a Daddy's girls!!!!!

When Moosee's would get scared of something she would close her eyes like this!! So funny!!

Leave it to Beenz to find some kind of animal....this time it was a frog! He was her best friend all day and she was sad to leave it!!

So because of 2 soccer games a Saturday, a school carnival, a church activity, pta training and work....we had not made it to the pumpkin patch as a family on Halloween day, we decided to go! It was so much fun!! I am so glad we braved the foggy...almost raining weather! The kids had a blast!! Almost no one was there and everything was 1/2 price!


Carol at WRESA said...

"Orange" you all so cute!!! Miss you tons!

Amy Hendrix said...

The sling shot looks very fun. I love the pictures of Chris and Moose!
All my girls are daddy's girls! Thank goodness for boys!