Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Little...3 Grader...WHAT?!?

This was the outfit she wore on her 2nd day of school! Nana took the girls shopping and they all 3 bought this matching outfit!!! They looked adorable!!!

Beenz was so super excited for her first day of 3rd grade!! I on the other hand can't seem to face the fact that she is really in 3rd grade!! I must have told 10 people that she was in 2nd! It just sounds so old...a 3rd grader...!!!!!!!
She was thrilled and picked out her outfit all by herself! I love her teacher this year, she was my 5th grade teacher...funny! But I loved her then!
Beenz was most excited that she got her own desk that actually opens!! I didn't cry at school and made it almost all the way home, when Chris said just think, next year Beenz will be in 4th grade, Mase in Kindergarten, and Moosee will be in preschool! Well that did it, the tears then started!!


Brandon and Michelle said...

You're strong! I don't even have any little ones yet, but it does seem like they do grow up so fast! Your kidos are absolutely adorable!

Carol at WRESA said...

Steph, Berklee looks so precious and I am so proud of her! What fun to have the same teacher that you had. I wonder which student her teacher will like the best...Stephanie or Berklee?

Stephanie said...

Berklee is so beautiful just like her mom. I can't believe she is in the 3rd grade. Time does go by too fast...I'm still getting over the fact that Alex is a 9th grader this year.

Erica Johnston said...

3rd does sound soo old- Beenz is such a fashionista! Love her outfits!!!

Shelby said...

What a cutie! They all are looking so much alike. Definitely siblings. Hope you are all having a good Fall! Miss you.