Monday, June 30, 2008

My Little Dancing Queen

Berklee was just in her 4th dance concert! She loved it! This year she was in a Jazz/Hip Hop class! She was the youngest in the class but had lots of fun in it! They did their dance to a Cheetah Girls song. She was probably not the best dancer on stage but we thought she was by far the most fun to watch! She was smiling and you could tell she was having a blast up on the stage! Her favorite part of the night is when her old teacher surprised her and showed up to watch!!! Berklee was so excited!! She really misses Teacher Brynn!!!! We got to see her little girl also, who is adorable and chat for a little bit!! This picture of them is from 2 years ago at Beenz dance concert! I can't believe she's been in dance for 4 years already...pretty fun!!


Crystal said...

so cute! i CAN'T WAIT to get our girls in dance. i'm hoping to start brookie up this fall. FUN!

and i just HAVE to ask...where did you get those darling black dresses in the photos down below?? THA CUTEST!!

Carol said...

Oh man I miss our All That Jazz days! Especially after our experiance with H-'s dance recital this year.
Beenz is adorable!

Marcee said...

I agree with you on the comment, "You've sure got your hands full." I get it everyday, everywhere I go... especially when I have all four boys with me. I also hate the "So are you going to try for a girl?" comment... like that is what we were trying to do. I never "tried for a girl or a boy" I have always just "tried" for a healthy baby, and that's what I always got!

Anonymous said...

Marcee- You go girl!! You tell'em!

Krusty-I got the dresses at the Gap! They did not have them in the store so I ordered them online, they are on sale right now!!! Check em out! ps-they run small!!

Carol said...

Hey, I have a question, how did you get your thing underneath your post to say thoughts.... instead of comments? I've been trying to change mine on the html layout page but can't figure out where or how. Can you help me? Please? Thanks.
And I get the, "Are all of those kids yours? Wow, you have your hands full." Question/statement too. I sometimes say, "Yes, but they're good so it's easy." or I say, "Yes, aren't I lucky? I'd rather have them full than empty."

Carol said...

Okay, thank you so much! That was a lot easier than I was making it.

chats said...

it was so great to so you guys. I am so glad my hubby was willing to take the afternoon off work so we could make it. Berklee was hilarious during the dance. When you get the video see if she reminds you of Stevie Wonder. I loved it! Little girls like Berklee make it all worth it!