Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday My Love.....

Happy Birthday to the Man made for me!!!!
My Father knew what he was doing when he hand picked my husband!!! Chris is so super perfect for me it's funny! Today he is 31 so for his birthday here are 31 reason and/or memories of why I LOVE him so!!!!

1-He married me in the temple...of my choice...big bonus!!

2-He and I created the 3 things that make me happiest in life!!

3-He is FUNNY...!

4-He loves the Rouge Valley...that I love!

5-He loves and respects his Mother deeply!

6-He loves his children!

7-He wants to be better!

8-He loves the out doors! as do i!!

9-He and I LOVE the Twilight books...together...so fun!!

10-He and I can get lost in movie quote talk...I used to be left out when him and Mitch would go off on movie quotes..but now we can do this and it is so stink'en funny to only us who understand!! He and Mitch still leave me in the dust when they are together!
11-Inside jokes....we have a million, and they are all hilarious!
sum(seriously chris you need to come up with something better than that..I'm still waiting!!)...he smillee teeth so white...hey look at her hair...just to name a few!
12-He loves the Young Men and takes their success personally!
13-He loves North Carolina!!
14-He served a worthy mission...and looked dang good doing it :)!
15-He honors his priesthood!
16-He always supports me in all my crazy ideas!
17-He is UNSELFISH!!!
8-He does not complain about dinner...ever!
19-He makes me breakfast in bed on my Birthday!!..nice..
20-He is fun...which I'm realizing is not a quality lost of adults have...he is always the adult that is swimming and running and playing with the kids! FUN!
21-He loves Scouting...I am always joking that we need not fear, we have an "Eagle Scout" amongst us!! :)
22-We never fought building the house....that is now our home!!!
23-He stays up taking with me until the wee hours...I'm sure it's more for me than him but often we lay and laugh at nothing...and say over and over ok stop for real this time! i love it
24-He can find the good, when others get stressed or annoyed he picks up and pushes through and makes the best out of it! I try to be more like him in this way! It's a true talent!!
25-He goes along with and follows all my "parenting ideas"...family bed...anti spanking....thank you love!!
26-He has a personal and different relationship with each of our children...quality not quantity.....he gives them quality!
27-He has been super supportive during all my pregnancies, rub my feet, ignored my moodiness...most of the time...., way excited and way into my labors!! and let me just cry...lots...especially with the last one!
28-He loves the lower Rouge River trail and has such passion for it...makes any one who hears him talk about it love it too!
29-He handles what I call all the "man" stuff, taking to neighbors about fences or dealing with problem renters or a wrong bill....anything that has to do with confrontation...even if it's my deal, he'll help, gotta love a manlee man!!
30-He works hard for our team....week after week!!
31-We have great chemistry :)!!!
(your getting old!!!)


Marcee said...

I will never forget the first time I met Christopher... I never knew him on his mission here because I lived in St George at the time... I met him I think it was about 2 days after Zackary was born. I was in my living room and you guys came up to my door. I hadn't showered, I weighed about a million pounds and here was my cousin bringing me this guy of hers to meet. What a great first impression I must have made. Thanks Steph :) and Happy Birthday (yesterday) Chris!!

I would have to agree, you ARE getting old!

Anonymous said...

Mrcee I totally forgot that is how you met Chris...so funny! Now that I have children, I understand, sorry bout that!!

Crystal said...

you are right!! you and chris are PERFECT together, and make some of the MOST BEAUTIFUL children i have ever seen! goodness. :)


and steph - i am TOTALLY LAUGHING right now at the memories you left on my blog. LOL!!! i seriously forgot about those fish eyes and the organized crime! freakin' hilarious. and the rouge river incident. haha! i swear i was going to BEAT those boys into a bloody pulp for refusing to wear their lifejackets. GOOFBALLS! and i seriously have problems b/c even though i am a night owl, i still manage to be the first person to fall asleep EVERYTIME!! what a loser! i'm surprised you haven't tried to draw on me in my sleep or something. lol. HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS SOON!!! even if we don't go camping, let's just get together and hang out like the good old days. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!

Crystal said...

steph - you BETTER come stay with me this week if you make it up here! otherwise DEATH!! ;)

call me...

ps...how are you and edward doing?