Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boat'en with the" J Gang"

We took the boat out with the"J Gang." we like to call em...and had so much fun!

They are just a fun family! It's nice when every thing meshes well...!

So Matt was awesome on the wake board...I'm pretty sure that he might loose his hearing in one, but hey you have 2 right, it's all for big air!!! Gotta love it.
Also Matts adorable lil sis came along! My kids used to think I was cool when I wake boarded now, their like Mom how come you can't do it like that! Thanks Natt!!! My kids love her!!!

Chris of course wake boarded look'en like a pro....!!! He did tweak his neck pretty bad jumping the boo-wee the 2nd time!

It's started to dark so we had to break out the tubes!!

So fun! Our adorable husbands went on the monster tube with Berklee and Parker and they fell off like 5 times...the DADS that is! They were being so silly, jumping up and down, dancing to High School Musical...I think they were even standing on their heads at one point...crazy! We were laughing so hard!!!

So after they went, I forced Erica who was perfectly happy on the boat to ride with me, and Natt! Well after Natt and I pulled her off the tube and forced her to get wet...and then it took like 20 minutes for us all to get back on....we had a Crazy ride...thanks for that Chris! Poor Erica, of course the one who didn't really want to go in the first place....was the only one to go fly'en off...bout' 10 feet in the big deal!! I don't know that her neck will ever be the same!

Matt took all the picture...lets just say maybe Matt should stick to Dentistry!!!!

So 3 injuries, a little Beasty Boys and Alvin and the Chipmunks, and one good time later our boating adventure came to an end!!!

So fun...lets'aaaaa go again soooon!!!


Crystal said...

k, i'm ready to go boating with you NOW! WHAT A BLAST!!! although chris always makes me nervous whenever we're out on the boat with you guys. HE IS A DAREDEVIL!! such a spaz, life of the party. you're a fun guy, chris! :) keep it up.

and marlee is getting so big! what a doll!!

Erica Johnston said...

Dude! Those three girls on the tube are HOT!!!! Best memories!

Shalyse said...

oh my freaking CRAZY day on the boat! SO MUCH FUN! and chris does freak me out too, I swear that boy is insane! (in a good way of course) :-)

and I'm glad to hear your nose is ok from our last tubing experience!

Anonymous said...

Going on the boat is so much fun, I love it!