Wednesday, February 6, 2008

and she's off....

Oh my little baby is crawling! Not just a little bit but full blow crawling...EVERYWHERE! She's a whole new baby and life just got a little tricky! Plus she wants to stand on everything, she is constantly falling and has brusies on her little head! Berklee walked at 9 months...I am so not read for that!! I swear she was a new born...yesterday!


Chuck and Holly said...

I can't believe Marlee is crawling!!! What a BIG girl:) She is so darn cute!!!

Shalyse said...

GORGEOUS!!! I forget how hard it is once they start that...time to put up all the things she can get in to! It does seem like she was just born. I was thinking about how you were on bedrest for so long...I don't know how you did that for so long!

Crystal said...

they sure do grow up fast, don't they! can't believe she's already crawling around. and for the record, she TOTALLY looks like mason in these pics!