Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ok ya got me...

1.What was I doing 10 years ago?
Funny you should ask...I was a Sophmore in High School, Cheering on the varsity squad, had just gotten my licence, and was decorating my boy friends car for V-day because he was going to be gone at a wrestling match! and I had a seriouse crush on a HOT missionary in our stake!

2.Things on my to do list-
lets's longer than usual, pick decorations for baby shower, get prizes for baby shower game, clean my house top to bottom for baby shower, pick up sprinkles for Beenz Valentine party, go to Beenz V-day party, schedule Hawiian dancers for Enrichments Luau, mail 2 birthday cards, soccer sign ups, practice spelling words with Beenz, of course study my scripture for like an hour ;), yadda yadda, just to name a few, theres more but like you really care!!

3.Bad Habits-
Going to bed with out washing my face...yuck I know!

Being Late!!!! Although I must state for the record Beenz has only been late to school once this year, not my fault just can't control bowel movments, and she sometimes takes forever!!! Plus I am getting better.

4.Places I've lived-
Lets see...Grass Pants OR....yep thats it!!

5.Things most people don't know about me-
-I'm very flexiable!
-I love running and hope to run in the Portland Marathon in October...need a running partner!!!
-I hate being in charge of Enrichment and think someone else could do much better!!
-I am way anti-spanking! (if it works for you great...but for now not for me!!)
-I would love to have like 10 kids!!!!!
-I'm a morning person!! I wake up happy! (not Chris)
-I love to watter skiing but have a panic attach almost every time when I get in the water(especially at the beginning of the season) because I hate water when I can't see the bottom! I think something will eat me! SERIOUSLY!!
-I am a HUGE Oprah fan...Huge!!!
-I am married to the man of my dreams!!! Literally....long story!

Well there you go very first tag 4 you!!


Chuck and Holly said...

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Shalyse said...

hilarious! that's a long to do list...good luck! :-)

Crystal said...

yay! your did it! and that makes me laugh that you were just a sophomore 10 yrs ago. man i feel old. lol!

Erica Johnston said...

I love you! You're hilarious, but seriously NO ONE could do enrichment better- you're stuck!!!