Friday, February 22, 2008

Berklee NEVER. . .

I find myself saying this phrase a lot lately...Berklee NEVER.....cut her hair, Berklee NEVER.....did back flips off the couch, Berklee NEVER......scaled the walls, Berklee NEVER.....colored on anything but paper, Berklee NEVER....insisted on putting on her own shoes, buckling her own car seat, filling up her own milk, riding her bike down a huge hill by her self, Berklee NEVER....hid in the pantry and ate an entire container of sprinkles!! As I say this frase to Chris (almost daily), he looks at me with a smirk and says....when are you gonna realize Mason is a BOY!!!
Mason cut his hair, good thing he's a boy and he did need a hair cut so the damage was minimal but still, HE CUT HIS HAIR!! I was babysitting my nephew and went up stairs to lay Marlee down, I came back down and it was silent, I go in the playroom, where I left the boys...not there...I go in the living room...not there, I go in the kitchen, see a drawer open, then hear a little snicker from the dinning room, ahhh there they are under the table! Mason is cutting his hair as Jayden sits and watches, but this is what gets me, he knew it was naughty or he would not have gone under the table, so...WHY????


Erica Johnston said...

BOYS ROCK! but they are very very naughty!!! I should know!

chats said...

just wait until he cuts off one of his sister's ponytails! I think Heavenly Father made kids so cute on purpose. When you look into their cute faces after something like that, it puts things back into perspective.

Shalyse said...

oh that is hilarious! well...probably not for you, but well written! :-) I am laughing at Mason and Jayden just chillin under that table giggling. too cute!

Chuck and Holly said...

Boys do rock!!! It amazes me at how different they are from girls. Girls are usually so gentle and quiet, and boys are loud and soooooo rough. They are all so amazing!!! Don't forget Mason is all BOY;)

Crystal said...

stephanie oh my gosh! that is FUNNY stuff! i can't begin to tell you how many times i have had distraut parents come into the salon just praying that i can fix their child's hair after the mess they've made. and yes, you are lucky. he is a boy, and i have seen MUCH worse. girls seem to go baserck with the scissors for some reason. so funny! i hope to death that my girls never do that.

Kayleigh said...

this reminds me of Broc and Kassidy! They did the same thing when they were little!

Shonda said...

You are such a funny writer! So sorry, but SOOOO funny. And, at least you see the 'funny' in it too. They're just too cute. Deep breath....and laugh. :)