Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just ONE....

All I wanted was
just ONE picture...just ONE...
of all 3 of my kids...
in their Christmas outfits...smiling....is that to much to ask??

Why is that so hard??????


Tiff said...

Stephanie, hi! Your kids are so beautiful. But I know what you mean, and I only have two to try and pose! If they weren't so cute we wouldn't try so hard, though, right?

Marcee said...

Taking pictures of your kids, smiling, holding still, striking a pose, not hitting the kid next to him, not screaming, not running around being a spaz... is there such a thing??

Shelby said...

I still think they are good pictures, even if they all 3 weren't looking. that first one of Marlee is so cute! They are all dolls. We couldn't expect anything different looking at their handsome parents!

Shonda said...

I think they're adorable. That happens to me all the time! The other day, I wanted a pic of my two girls so bad...all they had to do was look at me...and I just couldn't get them to look at the same time. One would look and the other would look away, and then vice versa. I started stomping on the ground, and yelling...just looooook at me. Then I realized, I looked like a crazy lady, and was acting like one too. I gave up.