Friday, May 30, 2008

Marlee is 1.....

Wow, it's crazy how fast time passes, I feel old every time I say that and I find myself saying that a lot lately! It really feels as if time just goes so faster and faster and I don't like it!

Marlee was my hardest pregnancy by far! I had never been sick with the other 2 and got so sick with her! The worst part is I would wake up every single night between 12 and 1 and start throwing up! Sometimes 2 times sometimes 8....yuck! So I was so tired during the day! Just yuck, then we started building our house, trying to rent our old house ( can I just say Nightmare!) and I got in a car accident and started bleeding, anyway, it was a hard time! So I thought for sure she was going to be a hard baby!

Thank Goodness I was wrong! She has been my easiest!! She is so happy! So much fun, So easy going! The poor thing is always napping on the fly, going to dance and soccer and piano and play dates and school plays! She is known by all the kids at Berklee's school, I volunteer there and she always comes along in her front pouch, so kids are always walking by and saying hi Marlee and Chris we know them?

So this last Monday she turned 1! We had the fam over
and had a little party for her! I made her little princess cake and had a little to much fun with it, she opened some presents, with the help of her sibling of course, and picked at her cake! She got into it a little bit, but not he dive in I was hoping for!
She is such a sweet good girl and we are so grateful that we could be blessed to have her come to our family!!

First Birthdays are so fun! It makes me sad it has come and gone already!!


Crystal said...

gee, that went by fast! is she really one already? crazy. and did you make that cake, becuase it's fabulous, and i need lessons from you if you did.


Shelby said...

How cute! I love the cake! You did a great job. She is a doll.

Shalyse said...

seriously the cutest little babe ever! but then again you all are beautiful!!

Happy Birthday Marlee!

cute party and I LOVE that tutu!