Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Husband.....??

What would ever be appealing to anyone to do something like this....? I will never understand my handsome husbands obsession with JUMPING!!! HE jumps off EVERYTHING, the higher the better, and not just that, he jumps over everything as well. Garbage cans,!! I try to remind him he has 3 more jumping off anything more than 20 feet high, especailly not something 70 feet!!!

But he just smiles and says why, I have life insurance!!!


Crystal said...

um,...this makes me LAUGH!! i just have these visions ingrained in my brain of chris doing back flips off your ski boat while your cruising at a good 30 miles an hour! remember that?? well, sure you do! he probably does it every summer! regardless, i had a HEART-ATTACH when i saw him do that the first time. he is such a dare devil!! hahaha! will he be doing any stunts for us on our camping trip? which by the way, should be taking place the weekend AFTER memorial day weekend (i guess chris and emmit already talked). sound good to you? I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!! can't WAIT to hang out. just like the good ol' days...(sigh)....

Crystal said...

and i love the "life insurance" comment. lol. mitch says that to me all the time!! seriously. what, like that's supposed to make me feel better?! fool.