Tuesday, September 30, 2008

are YOU smarter than a 5th grader......cause I'm not!

So one of the things I'm in charge of for PTA is the Birthday table. One day each month, we decorate a table in the cafeteria and anyone who had a birthday that month gets a cupcake and to sit at the totally awesome "birthday table"! Well I handed out the cupcake's and stuff this month. When the kids come to the cafeteria if they had a birthday that month, they have on a sticker that says Happy Birthday.
Well....today a 5th grade girl, told me she lost her sticker and that her birthday was yesterday....what would you do....say no you little fibb'er....or some thing?!?
Well I believed her, who would have the guts to lie to adult in 5th grade, well she did! She totally got me!
I saw her standing talking to her friends before she came over and I know she was saying watch I'll totally get a cupcake, and she did!!!
The cafeteria lady told me she did not think that it was her birthday and she went and check...NOPE...not until March!!!
They made her come say sorry and I'm so glad I ordered 2 extra....I would have NEVER tried something like that!!! Especially in 5th GRADE!!
Do you think you'd fall for it?


Shalyse said...

shebly called me after you told her this and I was dying laughing!!! You are so nice, I would have believed her too...after a little speculation.

I have to admit, I pulled crap like this ALL THE TIME! me and my partner in crime would even go home after school, get out our class directory, call a bunch of other girls who were also in our class, and pretend to be some other random girl in our class, and invite them all to our "birthday party on friday at 3". we would go through the whole class list and invite everyone to someone else's party...that wasn't even happening!

HOW RUDE WERE WE!!! and that was just one of the many, many, many.....

I should just stop now, some of my old teachers could be reading this! haha :-)

Marcee said...

I would have never done this as a kid. I would be too scared that I would get in trouble. I was so shy when I was little... you might remember.

I definately would not have believed this girl though... I would have asked her to go and get a new sticker from her teacher because there are only enough cupcakes for the b-day kiddos... then see what she would have done.